svn: Can’t create tunnel: The system cannot find the path specified.

We are using CruiseControl.NET for continuous integration. I must say really great tool!

We have configured a server where CruiseControl runs and our repository is on Tortoise SVN and it uses SVN+SSH. When we start our “ccnet.exe” it was giving us error like this “svn: Can’t create tunnel: The system cannot find the path specified.”

We really got confused as the message says the system can’t find the file specified But which file?? šŸ™

After struggling a lot we found the solution..Here it is:

SVN_SSH Environment Variable value was like this[Won’t Work]:

C:\Program Files\Putty\bin\plink.exe

It should be like this [Will work]:

C:\\Program Files\\Putty\\bin\\plink.exe


C:/Program Files/Putty/bin/plink.exe

That’s it!!

If you are new and don’t know how to access Environment Variables see this:


"Writing a code is a one kind of prayer for me"


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