My Article – Microsoft Certification QuickStart Guide


First of all, apologize for not writing anything since last 3 months, 6 days. The reason behind not writing is that currently I’m focusing on learning,exploring and implementing new CMS named as Sitecore. So, now my challenge area has been changed from pure .NET/ASP.NET to Sitecore CMS . And as per my practice I’m sharing my lessons learnt with the world. But not here it’s on my another blog which is here — So, if you are also using Sitecore or wanted to know about it, please do visit my blog.
Anyways, Let’s come to main point.
After so many questions [In Person, on blog etc.] and motivation from friends. Before so long back I wrote an article on Microsoft Certification.
This article will guide you how to give Microsoft certification exams and it will answer all your questions about Microsoft certification exam.


You can download it from here — Microsoft_Certification_QuickStart_Guide. Also you can have a quick look from below and if you find it interesting then only you can download 🙂
[scribd id=56501296 key=key-ee32lpov9yc9d825wna mode=list]
Eager to listen your views/suggestions/comments/feedback.
Happy Certification!
Worth to read :
3 months, 6 days


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