Leadership Basics

My dear readers, thanks for your support since ~5 years for appreciating my each and every blog by your invaluable reads, comments and suggestions — It always kept me motivated! (Just a note : It’s easy to start a blog. But it’s too tough to keep it updated! Most of you must be knowing this! and I would like to thank you for your support and motivation which kept me engaged on this blog! — Cordially, thank you!)
Since starting of my blog, I was sharing Technical stuff with you, and I’m sure you must have enjoyed it! Now, going to write this first blog post, which is not on technical stuff. But on leadership stuff i.e. Management stuff.
A question may come up in your mind, Now, this guy is moving to management and will not post anything related to code. Let me correct you, it will never ever happen for sure. Because coding is my passion and can’t live without it! But thought to share leadership learning with you for following reasons:

  1. As per my experience and observation, have worked with few nice leaders (and at the same time few bad as well!) and would like to thank both of them. Because knowing what not to do takes more time than knowing what to do! 🙂 and the other ones helped me to do so very quickly! In this blog post, will try to summarize the characteristics of a good leader [what I’ve seen], it’s solely based on my observations and reading whatever I had during my working experience as a leader since 2 years!
  2. Lot of you don’t know that, there is a leader within you! (This blog will help you to identify a leader within you!) Just check how many characteristics matches with you! (Don’t worry same happened with me as well, Because before two years, when I came to know that I’ve to lead a team — I was not ready for it! 🙂 )
  3. Or if you would like to be a good leader or already a leader and would like to improve your leadership skills then also this post will help you!
  4. If you are in a senior management and would like to identify a leader for your organization, this post may give you reference pointers!

Just a note : Let me repeat, I’m not a leadership guru. Whatever characteristics I’m going to share is just based on my analysis, observations,reading and working experience!
Let’s start! (Just a note : will write pointers or one liners only. In future, will expand few points from following list If you think you need detailed explanation on any pointer, feel free to drop it in a comment)

  1. Honest — still honesty is the best policy!
  2. Give his/her best in turbulent times — Whenever any crisis happens, they are the first one to solve them! They flourish in tough time! And spot them they are the great leaders!
  3. Transparent — No encapsulation please!
  4. Learn from mistakes — Someone did something wrong, don’t worry he/she is a human being. Just analyze the mistake and make sure you don’t repeat it and move on!
  5. Back your guys — Always back your guys, mostly in tough time!
  6. Cover them — Mainly from outsiders!
  7. Be open to them!
  8. Give honest feedback — Appreciate is public variable, and criticize is private! And do it on time! — If someone did a mistake/did something good don’t wait for his/her appraisal appreciate right now!
  9. Promise — Always fulfill your promise! Or take a note of it!
  10. Never bad mouth your team
  11. Take care of them — And they will take care of yours! Even their small needs e.g. Mouse, Keyboard desk etc. It matters a lot!
  12. Communicate — Whatever small things, each one of your team member should know everything. [Obviously, not the confidential one!]
  13. Inspire/Motivate them — “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” especially when they feel down!
  14. Expectations – Communicate your expectations to them and vice-versa!
  15. Always challenge them and sometime it’s good to keep them on their toes!
  16. Know them personally — Because people perform better when they get to work what they love to work!
  17. Speak with them — Every time you should not discuss about work, sometime just have a casual chat with them!
  18. Have a one to one meeting — Monthly?
  19. Share knowledge with them — Don’t feel insecure!
  20. Always give credit to them — and never accept any credit!
  21. Do their HR process rightly on time!
  22. Laugh with them
  23. Never order them — Rather than saying “You have to do it?” you should say “Can you please do it for me?”
  24. Be thankful to them – Because they make your life simple!
  25. If they are stuck somewhere — help them out!
  26. Roll your sleeves up — If needed, don’t be afraid to roll your sleeves up and start coding! This is the most IMP. characteristics!
  27. Fight for them — Fight for their rights!
  28. Always be cool and calm before them! — Never let them know that you are angry!
  29. Always be accessible to them — It’s frustrating for your team mates, if your are not accessible to them whenever they need you!
  30. Quick thinker — Think quick! and mainly act upon it!
  31. Act promptly — No one likes a leader, who just takes an issue and works on it for ages, we are living in 4G world! 🙂 Take a decision and act on it!
  32. People feels safe while working with you!
  33. People love to talk to you!
  34. Always positive!
  35. Take decision and back them no matter whatever happens!
  36. Always smiling face! 🙂
  37. Focused on solution — and not the problem or the problem source
  38. Never blames anyone!
  39. Expert in the field — I remember a nice line from Bill Gates — If you don’t know how to write a good code, then you can’t be a good leader. And trust me this characteristic will only gain you respect!
  40. Passionate
  41. Problem solver!
  42. Organized! Disciplined! [Still we are agile!]
  43. Best listening skills! — Always listen you!
  44. Caring!
  45. Always ready to discuss
  46. ______________________________

You can add your leanings here!
Helpful? As said earlier this my first management blog post, please ignore my mistakes and share your views about it! Will surely work on it!
And If you would like me to expand any characteristic from above list, just drop it in a comment. Will elaborate it for you!
Happy leading! 🙂


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