MSDN got a new look!

One of my best friend MSDN – i guess yours too 🙂 got a new look! Few days back while i was searching for something on MSDN – Which i always do 🙂 i saw the new look of MSDN. It really looks a great and really few nice enhancements they did.



Switch View functionality is really great you can switch the views to Classic, Lightweight Beta and ScriptFree

Happy Reading!

Get up to 25 percent off select Microsoft Certification exams

Howdy! I just logged in today in to my MCP portal and found one great thing that MS is giving special discount on Certification exams..Yippee!!!
They have kept three slots : 15%,20% and 25%
All TS Level exams comes under 15% and 20% slot – TS Level means Technology Specialist exams. For example 70-536 comes under TS Level.
All PRO Level exams comes under 25%  slot – PRO Level means Professional level exams. For example 70-547 comes under PRO Level[Hoorah!! currently i am preparing for this exam :)]
Best thing in this offer is that : This Offer is Good until December 31, 2009 or while supplies last.
So, if you take it positively then you got a reason to give exam before December and which will boost you to start preparation for the exam 🙂
So, to get your voucher code follow the steps as given below:
1. Go to this URL :
2. From the given table locate your exam code. for example 547 or 536
3. Right side of that column click on “Get Voucher” Link.
4. Fill the form. Please provide the valid e-mail ID. Because your voucher will be mailed to you.
5.Now keep this Voucher code with you and when you go to your local prometric center. Just provide that Voucher Code and you might need to provide the same e-mail id. Which you provided in last step.
6. Take your exam.
7. If you passed the exam  then plan the party for your friends by using the discounted amount 🙂
Pls note that it is valid by 31 Dec. 2009.
Good luck on your exam!