Two nice quality tools learnt during 2012


During 2012, was searching for code quality tools [Yes, Because I believe that behind every successful project, there is always a quality code!], which should serve following purpose:
1.  It should give me how much duplicate, code lies inside your solution!
2. Easily find out few key metrics about your code. Like average and maximum complexity, average and maximum block depth etc.


Found this two nice tools:
1. Simian [Also simian comes with XSLT. So, make your output in XML and simian guys provides you XSL. Using which you can see the output in HTML!]
2. SourceMonitor
How to use it? Well, there is lot of article already written on the web. So, will not repeat it again! But yes, if you face any challenge(s) while following it. Feel free to give me a shout! I will be happy to help you!
Happy Quality Coding! 🙂

VS 2010 Find and Replace – Dual Monitor issue


If you are using Visual Studio 2010 and if your Find and Replace dialog covers both monitors? Then this post is for you!


Microsoft has accepted it as a bug —
Solution can be found from this blog :
Happy Coding! 🙂

Setting up Dual wallpaper on dual monitors

if you are using dual monitors and you would like to set up dual wallpapers on both the monitors. Then it’s not directly possible. I know that there is something called NView from NVIDIA. But i didn’t liked it too much. It’s my personal view.
After googling a bit i found nice tool called “wallmaster” which is free and source is also available at codeplex :
WallMaster 0.1.3 Download