Hi if you are getting your hands dirty with WCF and got your mind blown up with the error as shown above or shown in Screen i have medicine of it..so go ahead!!!!
I am creating one simple serviceoperation which should take argument as an object but i will pass instance of my generic list which can be like List<Employee> or List<Person> and all this….because in service implementation i will do further operation based on type….I have created one application like this:
Now when i run this application it gives me error of KnownTypeAttribute and serialization
Actually root cause of problem is that we have defined object as our datacontract but when we pass List<Employee> or List<Person> it dosen’t knows what to serialize and send from wire…..hoohh…….simple if i have told you to say HI and it i will sat Bye…you can’t understand what i mean to say…so i need to help you in understanding Bye…Simple!!!!!so let us tell CLR that hey what to do if i pass List<Employee> or any type which i want to pass..
Open your service contract IService.cs
and after [ServiceContract] Add [ServiceKnownType(typeof(List<Employee>))] or [ServiceKnownType(typeof(List<Person>))]….and Run the application…modified IService.cs looks like this:
Hope it helped you…Wants to say..Thanks say it to
Sowmy Srinivasan’s for nice and in-depth article:http://blogs.msdn.com/sowmy/
I am just wondering suppose if i have 50 Types which i want to pass then i need to declare all this on top of IService….just searching some alternative for it..if i found will let you know and hoping for the same….