Venn diagram of developer types

Hey readers, It has been so long since we had a chat [Even one way :-)]. Have been busy with lot of things. But as I have been saying in past, The more busy I’m, the more I got for you to read.  So, le’s come to the point.
It has been roughly a decade since I am privileged to be in Software Development field. During that period, have played different roles. Now, When I look back, I try to analyze lot of things and I came up with my understanding about type of developers. You might ask why I need to know type of developers. Here are my views why:

  1. Hiring : When you are hiring new developers, you need to understand which type of developer is this and which type of developer you are looking for or your team needs right now [I have been part of roughly >50 interviews till this time, and hiring is also one of the data source for this blog post]
  2. Coaching and mentoring : If you know various types of developers and based on that if you identify someone is of some type and he/she should work on X/Y/Z to be of some else type etc.
  3. Forming team: When you start a new project, and you are one of the team selector, Then it will be good to know and make a balanced team.
  4. Self improvement: After reading this post, and If you agree what I am going to say then this post might help you to identify your type and work towards improving other aspects and be THAT BEST DEVELOPER Which World is searching for!

Enough reasons to convince you to read this further? 🙂
I thought a bit and then came a Eureka moment — Where an idea came, Why don’t we use Venn diagram to explain this! And I’m excited to share output with you:
Let me explain these types in detail:
Mainly they are based on their thinking style

  1. Technical : They are super technical. They know each technology as soon as they are available. They would like to get their hands on it and would love to implement it in their current/future project. There are quite a few who will try to fit new technology without even fully understanding it. But they will have solution for all technical problems. And each project must have at least one of  them. They make good Technical Architect or Technical role.
  2. Business : This type of devs will understand business very well. They speak client’s language and that’s why most of the time client loves to work with them.
  3. Analytical : This person thinks all things from analytical point of view. (s)he will come up with the easiest and best solution which neither technical/analytical person can think of. They will not be super strong in technical. But If you pair this dev with Technical team member they rock
  4. Technical-Business-Analytical: And you know that sweet spot, when one person can think from all angles. YES, they do exist. But sadly they are very few and again this type of thinking takes sometime. Because when you are out of college, initially you think to solve everything using technology. Because that’s what you have been taught. But gradually, If you mentor someone closely they can come in this type in a longer run. Usually, This type of folks should be leading a team.

So, what makes a best team? It depends on lot of factors, e.g. Project complexity, Resource availability etc. But If you want to make super complex project successful. I would recommend, Combination of these types will rock your project. And that’s what I look for when I have to form a team — Sharing my secret with a wish that you will share with others!
Happy Team Building! 🙂

Winning Teams Basics

As Cricket world cup has completed and Australian team won it again (Congratulations to them!), and apart from few people in India. Cricket is religion for most of us. You too – Correct?

“Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.” – Vince Lombardi

I know we lost in Semis against Australia – But as Dhoni rightly said “it’s a sport and only one team can win”. And let’s be honest guys and girls too – When Indian team went for World cup all of us, expected that these team won’t reach so far. And here’s when human expectations comes in to the picture,  When we started winning, Our expectation raised. And we wanted team to win world cup. But my personal view is that day Australia played good cricket. And we failed to do so. But I’m sure team will take a learning lesson from this and they do better next time! Sorry for taking conversation off track. But it shows, I’m same like you! When it comes to Cricket – We become experts. I personally believe everyone should follow/play at least one sport. It teaches you lot of lessons, which helps you in real life as well! Best lesson is “Match is never end till last ball” – Follow this rule in real life. At last moment (Yes, last moment) there is a chance that things becomes favorable to you. You just need to stay on the pitch! So, whatever the tough situation you are going through. Just be there on pitch! You might be thinking – Why there are few teams, who always keeps winning? And the other one always keeps losing? (In Cricket and in real life too). And I was thinking to apply this logic, in software industry as well. Why few teams always deliver software project successfully and smoothly. And other ones struggle to do so. As per my view there are two types of teams: Type1 : You can identify them using following characteristics:

  1. People love to be at office
  2. Whatever project they work – It gets successfully delivered
  3. No weekend work (If Project needs them, they will be happy to be available)
  4. Everyone goes at home happily and enjoys his/her personal life
  5. Passionate
  6. Enjoying each others in win
  7. They are always happy and cheerful
  8. Not Stressed

Typ2 : You can identify them using following characteristics:

  1. People look forward for way to not be at office
  2. Whatever project they work – It never gets successfully delivered
  3. Always in office during weekend (Few people like to be in the office during weekend for some research or something. But I don’t count them here. They belong to first team. I would consider people who don’t like to be in the office during weekend. But have to be, as SOMEONE has ASKED them to do so)
  4. Not so passionate – Doing something for just sake of doing
  5. No team bonding
  6. Always frustrated
  7. Always stressed

Sounds similar? If you belong to Type1, then you are the luckiest person in this world. But if you don’t know how it works? And would like to understand few reasons behind it. Then this blog post is for you. If you are in Type2, then I’ve an empathy for you. And would suggest that you work out on following points. They will surely help. And if you don’t have that level of control or someone is stopping you from doing so. Would suggest – Get off the bus! So, let’s see what special Type1 team does to be there:

Disclaimer : This is based on my learnings. I am not expert on this subject. But few basics which I learnt through my journey and have noted it down. Which I am sharing with you. So, if you think something might not work for you. Feel free to ignore it

  1. Leader: I believe team and team’s leaders makes most difference. Because if leader is not secure. Then he/she won’t let team grow. And then the culture becomes worst and worst. But if leader is confident, technically sound, and smart and get things done person. Then team also follows him/her. So, while making someone a leader, please think twice. “People don’t leave company they leave bad leader/manager” And if you are a leader, then I request you to give your best. Because I believe – The responsibility what our Teachers had at School/College level, Parents had at child level, the same level of responsibility leaders have at professional level. “Good leaders create leaders, and others create followers”
  2. People : If Leader is important, Then People working in the team are also equally important. Because people get things done and NOT Process. It makes me amazed that lot of companies focus on setting up good process. But I believe have good people, the process will be automatically good. Their Hiring Process is very strict. They can identify the talent, and know how to groom them! “Only good leader’s eyes can spot, good candidates/leaders”. While Hiring they keep person’s attitude first and technical skills second. Because it’s easy to impart Technical skills than attitude!
  3. Culture  : Company’s culture also makes difference. Always hire smart people, and let them do what they think is right. Company should just act as a facilitator. See Google’s work culture!
  4. Timesheets : I agree that time-sheets are good way to track and manage your time. Because based on that we bill to clients. But at times, people just work to fill in their 40 hours. And in this process they lose their creativity and helping nature.
  5. Team bonding : They not only enjoy and spend time with each other in office. But out of office as well. They do spend lot of time together! Type2 teams works more as individuals
  6. Communication and Transparency : Communications are very clear in these type of teams. Things are Green/Red.  Anyone can speak out. All things are 100% Transparent. Feedback system is also good!
  7. Training : They have very good training process. So, when someone joins the team. He/she knows what/how these team works. Before he/she gets bombarded with so-called strict deadlines. And lack of training makes it stricter!
  8. Balanced between experience and fresher : They have good balance between fresher and experience. Because both combination is required. But as good cook knows, the best ingredient to make good food. Same logic applies here as well. Experience people brings the lot of knowledge and best practices in to the team, at the same time. Freshers brings the lot of new perspective in the team. And while working together, they share those things with each others. And at the end of the day – Everyone wins!
  9. Clear expectations : As I mentioned in #1, Leader is very important. Because Good leaders are always good in communicating expectations clearly. I believe most of the time Type2 are frustrated because of this reason. Leader and Team members are never in sync with their expectations. I think, as a leader if you let people know what is right and what is wrong. And what you expect from them. Then they make sure they do it!
  10. Allowed to make mistakes : Team is allowed to make mistakes. But yes, they are not allowed to repeat them. But as Type1 team learns from mistakes. They rarely repeat any mistake. How leaders should manage their team success and failure- Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  11. Learning from mistakes :  As Type2 teams are always busy. They just keep running because they are busy. But they never take a step back, and think what is keeping them busy? What mistakes they are doing? How they can learn from them? And Type1 team always learn from their mistakes and shares it with others. So, they don’t repeat it. And that’s how they get things done faster.
  12. Ready to help : They are always ready to help each others, and ready to go out-of-the-way for team
  13. Competition: They don’t compete with each other, they complement each other. If they have competition. That will be healthy completion. Who commits more backlogs/tickets in this release? 🙂 And Competition stuff happens with most of us. Because since school level. We’ve been asked to be first. In Public Transportation (Bus/Train) as well, we always try to be first! But those concepts doesn’t fit while working in a Team
  14. Helps others in down time : The time is not going to be same for anyone. Sometime X is doing well, at that time, Y is struggling. And when Y is doing well. X is struggling. In all situations they help each other during someone Else’s down time
  15. Links : You may find few more points from my earlier leadership posts:

Remember TEAM == Together each achieves more! Sounds good? Have I missed something? Would be happy to incorporate your views.

It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership – Nelson Mandela

Because I'm busy!

This something I wrote 6 years back. But never published it. I was checking my old notes, and found this. I thought it’s still true and it will be good idea to share it with you with some updates:
I have time to update my Facebook Status,
But I don’t have time to get updated with my country’s status.
Because I’m busy!
I have time to Google Anything,
But I don’t have time to think, How I spent that evening.
Because I’m busy!
I have time to Tweet,
But I don’t have time to play with a kid, Who is really sweet.
Because I’m busy!
I have time to receive a call and have a long talk,
But I don’t have time to make a call and simply talk.
Because I’m busy!
I have time to chat on WhatsApp for a long,
But I don’t have time to say HI to my Mom.
Because I’m busy!
Are you really busy? Are you still busy?
Good to see: