Completed 8 years of professional experience!

8 is greatHey Readers — You will be happy to know that, Your this blog author has completed 8 years working in an industry! Yeap, this happened on 14th May. It really feels great!
To be honest, Haven’t realized. How these 8 years went! When you take a step back, sit quietly and think on it– Then it seems like all happened in a blink of an eye!
To check whether you are moving in right direction or not, It’s always good to check where you were and where you are! If you are in good position, you are happy then you are moving in to right direction!
8 Years is a big time, it means:

  • 96 Months
  • 417 Weeks
  • 2921 Days

And luckily I found this article so long back, Which I tried to follow :
Now, When I look back, I feel happy and enjoyed and enjoying what I did and do. Because when you start your career. You are enthusiastic, You want to change  the world, And then after sometime you get carried away. For an instance, There were lot of good players in Cricket. But few of them had a great career as Sachin, Brian Lara, Sunil Gavaskar etc. Same as in film industry. You take any industry you will find the examples.
So, I was writing quick notes in my diary. What things I learnt in these 8 years. Good/Bad. And then I thought to share it with you. Especially folks who are young and starting their career or going to start their career or in between of their career. Might find it helpful. So, here we go:

  1. Focus on your basics — Somehow I figured this out sooner. That focus on your basics skills. Whether it is in Technical, Communication or Soft. Because to be in this/any industry. You just can’t sustain on a single skill — e.g. If only your technical skills are good. But your communication is not good. Then you will survive. But not grow! At the same time, Based on your communication skills you will survive for a shorter time. But not for a long time
  2. Be Technically Strong : At initial stage, Focus on your technical skills a lot. Because if you are technically not strong. Then it will be tough to sustain in a longer run! — Yes other skills matter for sure. But at initial stage this matters more as per my view! — Because once plant is a tree, you can’t mold it! Always be in sync with latest and greatest. Because technical industry changes over the night. And if you don’t upgrade your self. You will be dinosaur!
  3. Read Read Read, Learn Learn Learn – Read as much as you can. Technical or Non Technical. But you must need to have reading habit! When I see my small library, It feels good. Because those books made me good programmer and good human being as well!
  4. Keep Sharing your knowledge : If you learnt something, share it as soon as you can. Because when you share, you learn it better. Following are few of my ways to share:
    1. Blog : Every Developer must need to have blog — And so,as you!
    2. Have been visiting faculty — And was lucky to share my craft with great talented students!
    3. Mentor and Train : Have been luck to mentor and train — few young and great minds!
  5. Communication :  Because communication is key. If you can talk to compilers, that’s good. But at the end of the day. Your software will be used by Humans! So, you need to understand what they need. And explain them how that works! I worked a lot on this, Because I was pass out from Local Indian language school. Where English was just one subject. I still remember, initially before sending an email and writing blogs. I was double checking my spelling and grammatical mistakes! 🙂 But that’s exercise helped a lot!
  6. Soft Skills : As I said earlier, Along with Technical and Communication skills. Soft Skills are also interested. I am a big fan of this series : Driving Your Career – Soft Skills to Move You Forward
  7. Keep your passion alive : What I’ve seen is, gradually people goes in to Comfort zone — The dangers zone in this world! Always be on your toes, Keep pushing your self. Find your big dream about life. And just keep working in that direction! Please remember, So fewer people in this world, get a chance to work on the stuff they love to do!
  8. Work smart : Always keep looking for ways to improve – The biggest room in this world is room for improvement! Work smart, and get things done — Rather than complaining about anything!
  9. Make good relations : Respect people, make good relations. That will help you as you grow in your career for sure! And it’s humanity right! We are humans!  “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
  10. Be a good team player : Each company, and each team needs good team players. Be away from office politics, crab mentality. Help people grow, and then only you will grow!
  11. Finally, Great lines from Harsha BhogleAnd I have seen too many outrageously talented, young Indian cricketers who chased the rupee and lost the runs. In essence, one must chase the performance goals and letting the results take care of itself.”


  1. You are starting your career in IT Industry?  Here are my learnings for you!
  2. Harsha Bhogle at IIM
  3. Very Inspiring Speech by Navjot Singh Sidhu
  4. Leadership Basics

You also completed long time with this industry? I missed to cover your point? Please do share with young folks. They will surely thank you for that!
Thanks for reading, Love what you do!

Celebrating another Milestone: Blog reached 2,00,000 hits – Thank you!

A big Thanks to all my readers/visitors! I would like to share the joy of celebrating a great milestone with you all. The blog hits 2,00,000 views! It’s absolutely encouraging that over 2,00,000 people have visited this blog and few of them might got solution for their problem, for which they might struggled  a bit with strict deadlines.  Had started blogging with that simple idea only – A simple blog of a developer, by a developer, for a developer!

Memories of my earlier milestones are still in my mind’s cache — quick links for you!:

Here’s the Stats Summary which I would like to share with you:
Quick Facts
* Total Posts : 141
* Total Comments : 426
* Total Categories : 45
* Total Tags : 78
* Average Visits per Day : 193
Thanks to all who inspired and appreciated my work – Yes I am saying thanks to you – My friends,readers and daily visitors! This wouldn’t have been possible without you!
Thanks again!
Happy Reading! 🙂

1,50,000 blog hits and growing

I still remember my 1,00,000 hits blog which I wrote on 23rd August 2011. And today Just saw that we crossed 1,50,000 blog hits and this not an end this is just beginning because I know that you — my blog readers – will keep visiting, reading, and sharing my blog. Thanks to each and every visitor for contributing in to this count so all credit goes to you! — Thank you again!

1,50,000 Hits
1,50,000 Hits

I remember that I’ve started blogging from December 2007 and till today I’m learning how to write a good blog — yeah agree that each and every day I’ve learnt a lot!

One thing which motivates me a most to keep my blog alive and writing tirelessly, Is people’s comments. When I check the comments people says “Oh man you saved my day”, “Thank you”. Frankly speaking it stimulates a lot. It absorbs all my day’s tiredness and inspires me to write one new blog 🙂 [So, If you like anything — not only on my blog or virtual world. I am talking about all aspects. Then don’t forget to appreciate it!]. Some comments I would like to share with you:

THANK YOU THANK YOU! Days of Tracking down solution NONE WORKED!!! EXCEPT

YOURS! This is was a great Help. Thank you Very Much. Even Microsofts sight, did not have this solution for this probolem….like that is a surprise!

Thank god there are people like you. And of course all you others that came here as me…



Thanks a lot it worked for me… :)

thank you ,it’s helped me alot

wow…life is truely an enjoyable mystery sometimes(with a few bumps/challenges here and there). I got your link from an email one of our developers sent another programmer. I saw what the conversation was about so I followed the link (I also do some programming). After reading a few of your posts and your comments, I was truely impressed with your spirit. Aside from programming, it was nice to stumble upon your site and to walk away with a few tid-bits of inspiration…code, life. In this world today, we all need to remind each other of gratitude, thankfulness, and yes, happiness. Thank you my friend for letting your heart shine.

Thanks for the tip…

really helped me.I also want to do a similar thing. and it works fine

Thank you, this was driving me nuts and changing to a dataset finally gotit working. Awesome!

You, my friend, are a god-send. This is exactly the fix I needed. I’ve spent a couple days trying to get my vbs files to work and was about to give up and rebuild this XP machine.

Thank you.

Thanks Kiran..!

The solution rele worked..

After searching a lot on the net finally got the solution..

Thanks to your Blog..

You Rock Man..! Cheers..!

Worked like a champ.

May Allah give u peace… helps me alot…


Super Duper Work Superman…!

Thanks kiranpatils for such lovely blogs you write…

They are a great source of knowledge as well as inspiration to me and I surely know to many others….

Awesome! Saved me some time here – thanks!

Awesome, tried this 100% working. Thank you heaps.

Thank you very much for this article..I got a clear idea of web service

This is our MAN OF MICROSOFT..


I want you all people to encourage his blogging and appreciate his affords to share his excellent and oustanding knowledge which he has gained by hard work. ( 😉 i knw the way he worked for excellancy, productivity and knowledge gaining for .Net Framework ) if his answer really help you out (which i strongly believe his solution will 100000000% work). You can keep close your eyes and do what he says 😉 and there you are with your all answers.

Finally I would again say “MAN OF MICROSOFT” and one of my BESTEST buddy ever. [though hardly get to talk and meet]

HOPE TO SEE YOU SOOOOOOOOON ON THE LIST OF “MVPs”….(You very well know how long its been I am waiting to see you on MVPs List so please make it faster brother)


Thanks for this post. It has been driving me nuts to figure how to make “LinksTreeView.FindNode(txtPath.Text);” work with populateondemand set to true.

And many more.. — If I share all of them then this blog post will be too huge!

Here’s the Stats Summary which I would like to share with you:

Quick Facts

  • Total Posts : 131
  • Total Comments : 328
  • Total Categories : 44
  • Total Tags : 74
  • Total Visits 2007 : 438
  • Total Visits 2008 : 23,606
  • Total Visits 2009 : 46,991
  • Total Visits 2010 : 47,088
  • Total Visits 2011(till date) : 31,996
  • Average Visits per Day : 190

Thanks to all who inspired and appreciated my work – Yes I am saying thanks to you – My friends,readers and daily visitors!

Happy Reading! 🙂

1,00,000 blog hits… and Counting

Today we passed an impressive milestone of 1,00,000 blog hits and this not end this is just beginning because I know that you — my blog readers – will keep visiting, reading, and sharing my blog. Thanks to each and every visitor for contributing in to this count so all credit goes to you! — Thank you again!

100000 Blog hits
100000 Blog hits

I remember that I’ve started blogging from December 2007 and till today I’m learning how to write a good blog — yeah agree that each and every day I’ve learnt a lot!
Here’s the Stats Summary which I would like to share with you:

Quick Facts

  • Total Posts : 117
  • Total Comments : 246
  • Total Categories : 44
  • Total Tags : 73
  • Total Visits 2007 : 438
  • Total Visits 2008 : 23,606
  • Total Visits 2009 : 46,991
  • Total Visits 2010(Till today) : 29,117
  • Average Visits per Day : 124-129

Happy Reading! 🙂

Milestone : MCPD Exam Cleared

Hi, all my blog readers. first of all Happy New year to you and may this year adds more passion in you towards your profession!
After clearing MCTS – Web before few months. Today, i would like to share one great news with you all. I’ve cleared MCPD – Web (70-547) exam on 28/12/2009 with 975/1000 Marks 🙂
MCPD _ Web_Large
Thanks to all who wished me luck and boosted me up on my last achievement!
Journey towards this certification was too good and too challenging too. let me tell you challenging how it was!
Challenge to complete Book : I purchase the hard copy of book on 10/7/09[Price – 640 from Ask InfoTech Vadodara]. Now I’ve aimed to give exam on 26/10/2009. But as usual was heavily loaded with my stuff at office and the book is more theoretical. So, it needs more inputs and concentration compared to Practical stuff. In between i stopped reading then in start of November i come to know about Certification offer from Microsoft[25% Discount]. Which stimulated me bit and moreover I’ve thought to complete the MCPD certification before end of 2009. So, deadline was coming near and near(And as human nature as exam date comes near and near we start reading with full concentration 🙂 and same hold true for me too!].
Challenge to give exam : You must be thinking how the giving exam could be a challenging task? Yeap, It was because in my city(Vadodara,Gujarat) one prometric is there which was down from last since months due to some technical reasons. So, now I’ve started looking at another options. And finally i found HCL Career Development Center – Ahmadabad and Thanks a lot to Asha ma’m[She manages prometric exams at this center] who helped me a lot during this process over the call only which saved my time. So, i booked my exam with 25% offer (1800 INR).
Challenge to Maintain one Transcript: I already had a MCP ID. But after clearing this exam i come to know that i will get new MCP ID and my MCPD Certificate will be in different Transcript..Hooh!! But finally i managed to get it done by calling at Regional Service Center
Now, finally when i see my certificate and logo. I feel good about fruitful result of completing this many challenges 🙂
Again Thanks and Happy Reading!